Establishing a company in the free zone

Establishing a company in Dubai,Establishing a company in the free zone,Establishing a company in Dubai for Gulf nationals

In the business world, location matters—a lot. It can be the difference between thriving and just surviving. One strategic area that entrepreneurs and companies looking to expand their global footprint are increasingly focusing on is open space. The concept of an open field looks like a field of unlimited possibilities, and indeed often is.

Think of it as a place where you can get tax incentives, flexible reporting systems, and legislation designed to encourage business growth. That’s what the free zone offers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricacies of going public with a company and explore why this process can be a game-changer for your business.

As we embark on this journey, we’ll demystify free spaces, explore their many benefits, and take the necessary steps to establish your business in a high performing community in this case. Whether you’re a startup eager to make a global impact or an established company looking for new opportunities, there are exciting possibilities in the world of open space.

What is a Free Zone?

Before we delve into the specifics of forming a company in a free zone, let’s start with the basics: What exactly is a free zone?


A free zone, also known as a special economic zone or free trade zone, is a designated geographical area within a country that provides special economic and commercial benefits to businesses operating within its borders This area is typically targeted for economic development, foreign investment and international trade.

Main Objectives:

The main objective of the free zone is to create an environment that encourages entrepreneurial activity by providing companies with various incentives and benefits These incentives are designed to attract domestic and foreign businesses, stimulate economic growth in the region and has helped to create employment

Key characteristics of intervention sites:

Tax advantages: One of the most attractive aspects of an incorporation site for businesses is good tax management. Companies operating in these sectors often enjoy tax exemptions or lower tax rates, making them a more cost-effective option in terms of operations.

Customs advantages: Free zones often provide flexible customs procedures, making imports and exports easier and more cost-effective. This can be advantageous especially for businesses involved in international trade.

Legislative flexibility: Participating sites often have their own legal framework, which can be more business-friendly and flexible than state law. This streamlined bureaucratic process can lead to faster approvals and reduced administrative burdens.

Infrastructure and facilities: Many destinations offer modern infrastructure, such as offices, warehouses and manufacturing facilities, often at competitive prices and this provides job types that can save time and money when organizing their programs.

Access to global markets: Companies in free zones tend to have easier access to international markets due to simplified customs and trade procedures This can be an important advantage for companies that want to expand in the whole world.

Examples of familiar open spaces:

Free sites can be found all over the world, each with unique benefits and offerings. Here are a few examples:

Dubai Free Zones: Dubai, United Arab Emirates has many famous free zones such as Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC), Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA).

Singapore Free Zones: Singapore is home to the Singapore Free Zone and Jurong Port.

Shanghai Free Trade Zone: China’s Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a top example of a free zone designed to attract foreign investment and promote trade

Advantages of Setting up in a Free Zone

Now that we have a solid understanding of what open platforms are, it’s time to dive into the compelling benefits that make these workspaces attractive to entrepreneurs and businesses. Establishing yourself in an open space offers many benefits, each of which can have a significant impact on the success and profitability of your business. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

1. Tax Benefits:

Tax exemptions or reductions: Typically areas that offer significant tax incentives, such as corporate income tax exemptions, value added tax (VAT), or customs duties in These tax breaks can result in significant cost savings for your business.

2. Benefits of Reporting:

Streamlined import and export procedures: Participating centers generally simplify customs procedures, allowing for faster clearance. This can reduce shipping costs and speed up the time it takes to ship your item.

3. Legislative changes:

Employee-friendly regulations: Clients often have their own regulatory systems, which are designed to be business-friendly and efficient. This allows for faster approval of permits and licenses, reducing administrative delays.

4. Facilities and Equipment:

Modern infrastructure: Multiple spaces offer state-of-the-art facilities, including offices, warehouses and manufacturing facilities. These properties can usually be found at competitive prices, saving the hassle and expense of renting or renting space.

5. Access to global markets:

International Business Opportunities: Participating sites are generally located conveniently located near ports, airports, or major transportation hubs. This proximity to global trade routes makes it easier for companies to import and export products, expanding their reach in international markets.

6. Promoting Foreign Investment:

Attracting foreign investors: Independent areas actively seek foreign investment, making them ideal for businesses that want to expand internationally. The presence of diverse companies from around the world can provide opportunities for collaboration and growth.

7. Absolute ownership rights:

Ownership control: In many free zones, foreign investors can retain full ownership of their companies without the need for local partners or sponsors. That control over your performance may not always be available elsewhere.

8. Intellectual Property Protection:

Enhanced IP protection: Free zones typically prioritize intellectual property rights and provide a robust legal framework to protect your innovations, patents, trademarks and copyrights

9. Professional communication and support:

Networking opportunities: Open houses often host networking events and business meetings, creating connections between companies and potential clients. In addition, they can provide support services such as consulting and market research.

10. Economic Position:

Stable operating environment: Many participating sites operate in countries known for their political stability and economic security, reducing the risks associated with doing business in turbulent environments

These advantages, coupled with the unique features of each freezone, make them attractive locations for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish or expand their operations. In the next section we will examine a range of projects specifically suited to free zones and we have explored some real-world examples of industry developing around these areas.

Types of Businesses Suitable for Free Zones

Not all businesses are created equal, and the suitability of open space for your business depends on a variety of factors. Free zones can be particularly useful for specific types of businesses because of their unique benefits. Let’s find out which types of businesses are best suited for free zones:

  1. Import and Export: Participating zones are ideal for import and export companies due to their flexible reporting procedures. These areas facilitate the movement of goods across borders, making it easier and more cost-effective to engage in international trade.
  2. Manufacturing and Design: Manufacturing companies often benefit from the modern facilities and features offered by participating locations. Whether you’re manufacturing electronics, clothing, or automotive parts, free zones can provide cost-effective manufacturing facilities.
  3. Logistics and warehousing: Locations for logistics and warehousing: Free zones, usually located near a major transport hub, are convenient for logistics and warehousing companies. They provide warehousing and distribution facilities essential for an efficient supply chain.
  4. Technology and Innovation: Companies in the technology sector, including software development and research institutes, can thrive in open spaces by focusing on intellectual property protection and employee-friendly regulations
  5. E-commerce and retail: E-commerce growth allows companies looking to distribute products regionally or globally to benefit from the reporting advantages and convenient location of free zones.
  6. Financial Services: Independent zones such as the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) are particularly attractive to financial institutions, asset management companies and fintech start-ups due to a compatible regulatory environment
  7. Health and life sciences: Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies enjoy specialized facilities and support in less liberal environments, as well as stricter quality and safety regulations.
  8. Renewable energy and sustainable technologies: As sustainability becomes a global priority, participatory centers can provide incentives and support for creative projects that have built renewable energy, environmental engineering, and environmental services.
  9. Consulting and Professional Services: Exempted areas generally tend to include multiple consulting firms, legal practices, and professional consulting firms, making it suitable for professionals targeted as they will serve a variety of people

10 available. Creative Industries: Whether it’s filmmaking, advertising, or design studios, free spaces can provide the right environment for creative industries, including tax incentives and networking opportunities

Steps to Establish a Company in a Free Zone

Now that we’ve explored the advantages of setting up in a free zone and discussed the types of businesses that can benefit from this environment, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and delve into the practical steps involved in establishing your company in a free zone. While the specific requirements and procedures can vary from one free zone to another and from one country to another, the following general steps will provide you with a framework to get started:

1. Research and Planning:

Market Research: Begin by conducting thorough market research to identify the most suitable free zone for your business type and goals.

Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your objectives, financial projections, and strategies for operating in the free zone.

2. Choose the Right Free Zone:

Identify Options: Research and identify the free zones that align with your business needs and objectives. Consider factors like location, industry focus, and available facilities.

Compare Benefits: Compare the specific incentives and benefits offered by each free zone, including tax exemptions, customs advantages, and regulatory frameworks.

3. Register Your Company:

Legal Structure: Determine the legal structure of your company, such as a free zone establishment (FZE), free zone company (FZC), or branch of an existing company.

Submit Application: Submit your company registration application to the relevant authority within the chosen free zone. This typically involves providing necessary documentation and paying registration fees.

4. Comply with legal requirements and documentation:

Documents: Prepare necessary documents, which may include work permits, passport photos, business plans and financial statements.

Compliance: Make sure your business complies with all legal requirements and regulations set by the Free Zone Authority. This may require a specific license or certification.

5. Obtain required licenses and permits:

Business License: Apply for a business license that allows your company to conduct business activities in the free zone.

Customs registration: If your business imports or exports goods, register with the customs authorities in the open area.

6. Take office or warehouse space:

Choose a location: Choose the right office, warehouse, or manufacturing facility within the open space based on your business needs.

Certification Agreement: Sign the lease agreement and ensure that laws and regulations applicable to a specific facility are followed.

7. Employee Visas and Employment Agreements:

Visas: If you are planning to hire workers, arrange their visas and work permits through the Free Zone Authority.

Labor Contracts: Written and signed employment contracts that comply with host country and free zone labor laws.

8. Banking and Financial System:

Open a bank account: Open a commercial bank account with a local or international bank operating in the free zone.

Financial management: Establish accounting and budgets to manage your company’s finances.

9. Start the tasks:

Customization process: If applicable, start your import/export processing with the simplified customization process provided by free zone.

Marketing and sales: Start marketing your products or services and build your customer base in a free and remote location.

10. Comply with existing laws:

Annual Renewal: Comply with annual license renewals, tax returns, and other legal requirements imposed by the Free Zone Authority.

It is important to note that the specific steps and requirements may vary depending on the free zone and country in which it is located. It is therefore advisable to seek legal and professional guidance to successfully navigate the challenges of setting up your company in an open space.

Challenges and Considerations

While incorporating a company publicly has many advantages, it is important to be aware of the challenges and considerations you may encounter along the way. Having preparation and a strategy to overcome these obstacles can increase your chances of success. Let’s explore some common challenges and considerations:

  1. Competition: Participating zones often attract businesses, creating fierce competition in the area. You will need to differentiate your products or services to stand out.
  2. Legislative changes: Legislation can change in liberal areas, affecting your business operations. Stay aware of any regulatory changes and adjust accordingly.
  3. Cost: While free spaces offer cost benefits, there are costs to setting up and running a business, including rent, utilities and staff salaries. Be prepared for these costs.
  4. Visa and Work Permit Restrictions: Visa and work permit regulations can vary, sometimes obtaining for foreign workers can be a complicated process Work closely with free zone authorities and navigate these requirements.
  5. Cultural and language differences: When you work abroad, you may face cultural and language barriers. Understanding the local culture and being able to hire staff who know the area is important.
  6. Market Access: While destinations can provide an entry point into international markets, expanding beyond the local area may require additional effort and resources. Develop a clear market entry strategy.
  7. Customs compliance: While non-free zones often make customs processing easier, it is important to ensure full customs compliance to avoid delays and penalties
  8. Cybersecurity and data privacy: In an increasingly digital world, protecting your data and ensuring cybersecurity is paramount. Invest in strong data protection systems.
  9. Intellectual Property Issues: Protecting your intellectual property is important. Take advantage of the legal protections available in the field and consider registering patents, trademarks and copyrights.
  10. Adapting to local business practices: Become familiar with local business customs and practices, as they may differ from what you are used to in your home country.
  11. Supply chain disruptions: External factors such as global economic conditions or geopolitics can disrupt the supply chain. Give contingency plans.
  12. Meeting sustainability goals: If your business operates in an environmentally friendly industry, make sure they meet sustainability and environmental regulations.
  13. Monetary policy: Financial policy, including exchange rates and international transactions, can be complex. Work with economists to address these challenges.
  14. Exit Way: Provide an exit route if your business faces unexpected challenges or they decide to pursue other opportunities.

While these challenges and ideas may seem daunting, they can be tackled with careful planning, constant vigilance, and a proactive approach. Seeking professional advice and taking advantage of the support services offered by the Open Zone Authority can help you overcome these challenges and ensure the long-term success of your business.

Success Stories:

Real-world success stories serve as powerful examples of the tangible benefits that businesses can reap from establishing a presence in free zones. Let’s explore a few noteworthy success stories that illustrate how companies have thrived in these business-friendly environments:

1. Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA):

Company: DP World

Achievement: DP World, one of the world’s largest port operators, established its headquarters in JAFZA. With streamlined customs procedures and strategic access to global trade routes, DP World has grown into a global logistics and trade enabler.

2. Singapore’s Jurong Island:

Company: ExxonMobil

Achievement: ExxonMobil’s petrochemical plant on Jurong Island in Singapore is a prime example of how free zones can attract major multinational corporations. The island’s infrastructure and regulatory framework have enabled ExxonMobil to operate a world-class petrochemical complex.

3. Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC):

Company: Standard Chartered

Achievement: Standard Chartered established its presence in the DIFC, solidifying its position as a leading international bank in the region. The DIFC’s regulatory framework and business-friendly environment have contributed to the bank’s growth in the Middle East.

4. Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China:

Company: Tencent

Achievement: Tencent, one of China’s tech giants, is headquartered in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The zone’s support for technology and innovation has been instrumental in Tencent’s rise as a global leader in the digital industry.

5. Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP):

Company: GE Healthcare

Achievement: GE Healthcare established its research and development center at QSTP, taking advantage of Qatar’s investment in healthcare and technology. The park’s resources and collaboration opportunities have contributed to GE Healthcare’s advancements in medical technology.

These success stories demonstrate the diverse range of industries that have thrived in free zones, from logistics and finance to technology and petrochemicals. They underscore the advantages of free zones, including tax incentives, regulatory support, and access to global markets, which have enabled these companies to expand, innovate, and achieve remarkable success.

While these are high-profile examples, free zones offer opportunities for businesses of all sizes and sectors. The key is to align your business goals with the specific advantages offered by the chosen free zone and to leverage the resources and support available to drive your company’s growth and success.


As we conclude our exploration of establishing a company in the free zone, it’s clear that these business-friendly enclaves offer a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs and companies seeking growth, efficiency, and global reach. Establishing a company in a free zone is a strategic choice that can transform the trajectory of your business. Whether you’re a startup seeking a competitive edge or an established company looking to expand globally, the advantages of free zones can catalyze your success.

We encourage you to take the next steps toward exploring the possibilities of free zones that align with your business goals. Conduct thorough research, seek professional guidance, and leverage the resources and support offered by free zone authorities. With careful planning and a clear vision, your business can thrive in the dynamic and advantageous environment of a free zone.


  1. What exactly is open space, and how does it differ from regular workspace?

A free zone, also known as a special economic zone or free trade zone, is a designated area within a country that provides companies with special economic and business benefits These benefits may include tax credits, streamlined reporting systems and legislative reforms. The independent zones are designed to promote economic development, foreign investment and international trade, making them different from regular zones.

  1. Are there specific industries that are better suited for free zones?

Free zones are versatile and can accommodate a wide range of businesses. However, it is particularly useful for industries such as imports, manufacturing, logistics, technology, finance, healthcare, creative industries, etc .

  1. What are the basic steps to form a company in an open space?

Incorporation of a company in a free zone generally involves research and planning, selection of a suitable location, registration of a company, compliance with legal requirements, obtaining licenses and permits, housing a hiring, processing professional licenses and work permits, and developing budgets Specific requirements may vary depending on the location and state of the exemption.

  1. Are there any challenges or risks in working in the open?

While open spaces offer many advantages, businesses can face challenges such as competition, regulatory changes, costs, visa and work permit restrictions, and cultural differences. It is important to be aware of and own these potential challenges and ways to manage it effectively.

  1. What are the success stories of successful businesses in free zones?

Many well-known companies have established themselves in open spaces and have been very successful. Examples include DP World, ExxonMobil, Standard Chartered, Tencent, and GE Healthcare. These success stories show how companies from a range of sectors have benefited from the benefits of neutral areas, including tax incentives, access to global markets and streamlined reporting processes

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ITQAN is a company that specializes in business setup and business growth. We aim to give investors and entrepreneurs a comprehensive support in order to help them start their businesses in Dubai.

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